Sunday, September 10, 2017

Aging In Montclair and bevival present

Aging In Montclair and bevival present

Oct 20-22nd
Cherry Blossoms
World's Fastest Indidan
Aging in Montclair and are proud to present the east coast debut of San Diego’s popular film event, Celebrating Aging In Film. Curated and moderated by series founder, aging expert and author, Professor Mario Garrett Ph.D., this three-day weekend event is designed to shed light on how the aging narrative is transforming our culture.

For film enthusiasts, this weekend educational series is an exciting opportunity to watch four iconic films and participate in illuminating, post-screening discussions with two fascinating educators. Themes include multi-generational relationships, humor, culture, romance, and the enduring creative spirit.

Screening venues were made possible through the generosity of Montclair State University, School of Communication and Media, and the Montclair Art Museum.

order your tickets now

Celebrating Aging In Film Series

and VIP Reception
Book Group
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